Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Rightfully Guided: The Mop Stick Friend!

I was clearing the bathrooms of the house yesterday (late for my Saturday chores, I know... Oh the shame!). I have a deep love for this chore in particular. Not sure if it grew on me because so many times they could not find a better suited service for me in missions, camps and such... putting me with people was not really an option, sort of disastrous damages could be predicted... and  so clearing bathroom or peeling potatoes were much more brilliant ideas... in all cases they did have a permanent effect in making me  love doing the toilet cleaning... Actually I might explain this more later...
So, anyway, back to yesterday!  I have successfully managed to convince my roommate that I should be the one in doing the bathroom in our room all the time, to my heart's delight! And yesterday I had the wonderful chance to be cleaning all three of them (and not the one of my room only!). You can imagine the ecstasy! I was really happy!  Thoughts in my mind were all over the place but do not worry, I will not bore you with an account  but I thought it is a little bit unfair for the mop stick that the broom is always so much more famous. The Quidditch, the broom of the witches, and many other instances... So I thought to talk about it, the mop stick that is, because it is really a beautiful tool and yesterday it was the star!
So! I was cleaning and the water was getting in ever direction on the floor and I had no idea how to contain it! I so needed the mop stick but I was trapped inside with my feet damped but I managed to catch a far fetched towel (I am tall and a little bit flexible and can reach things oddly but easily... my dream is to be a ballet dancer, among other unattainable goals... but karate is much plausible taking into consideration my graciousness...). Now my feet were no longer watery (thank you towel!) and I can step where my friend had already cleaned without a dangerous glance and! I got the mop stick! The water that was everywhere was soon to vanish into that hole in the ground! I have a mop stick now! It was really magical and very very entertaining! Watching all this flood of water slowly being guided to where they should be and slowly being swept away, was enchanting. It was a beautiful process! Some places where harder to reach but still, it was just as great! One mop stick was all I needed to do all this and soon after this, the floor was shining! 
I was remembering a friend too when I was doing all that cleaning. We invited her with a couple other girls over dinner a few weeks ago and one of those other girls was a bit like my water on the bathroom floor. Really insightful, really cleansing, really wise. but a bit all over the place. It was a bit hard to know how to exactly react or get what she was "cleaning". This friend though was her mop stick. She gently guided her, she magically made flow out of the puddle and what the girl was trying to get to us, the hole in the ground (or the brain) was getting to us through that mop stick!  She did not stay there watching, she took a step and used her flexibility to make things better. It was a nice dinner (beside the food that is always! nice). 
I am really thankful for mop stick friends who keep me rightfully guided... and God knows how I need a few of those around me!
I pray too that I will learn to be a good mop stick for others as well... It is a wonderful blessing to be around people who are not afraid to go in ever direction and it is a wonderful blessing too to learn to me a mop stick friend! 


  1. Creative as always . One love .

  2. Speechless! wawww! The way you write, the way you express yourself, how you see things from another point of view! loved the mop stick idea! Brilliant "Queen" ;) !
    Each blog takes me to a new world! Each took us few seconds to your world "Majesty". This one took me to a tremendous world.
    Thank you Queen! It touched me. It is an honor to be a mop stick friend :)

  3. Very very very well said. Thank you.

  4. I think you meant hole... no?
    Anyway, wonderful comparison as always!
