Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Of Iced Coffee and Narrow Paths

And so it is... In this hot weather I decided to chill my coffee...

I sat there watching the ice cubes enjoy their little swim in the beautiful sea of dark aromas. After a few dances they decided to rest in an almost perfect circle at the edge of the cup. Almost perfect because one cube was missing to complete the ring! 

I kept trying to fix it with the straw but alas, I was making it worse, melting them away... I stopped trying and took a sip and then another... then looked again into the cup for some sort of revelation and I saw it right there: the complete circle, the perfect ring! Effortless... except maybe for a couple of massive glups! 

I knew I was hitting the bottom. I was hitting it in that cup, I was hitting it in the cup of life I am drinking too. But right there at the very bottom, the gap was tighter, the loop was closed. I remembered the narrow road... I remembered the path I have chosen... I remembered why I was drinking that cup... and I remembered that as we draw nearer to the centre, as we draw near the source, it gets harder but it gets perfect too... And I saw them together, these lovely cubes, almost vanishing but in a beautiful unity as if resting after a long race... and right then and there, I lifted up my eyes from the depth... and from the depth...

De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine...

Let's drink to that!