Wednesday, August 27, 2014

A Postal Stamp

So I was thinking about clothe tags, I have a friend who used to collect them! It was so cool to discover that... I thought wow how something utterly insignificant can mean so much to someone in particular.. and then I started thinking about stamps...

I love to write letters and send them by mail. I love post offices (“In black ink my love may still shine bright." okay maybe not to the point of reciting sonnets to it but you get the point!). I like to watch people there, I like to see them weigh the parcels and pick the right stamp and so on... And most of all, I love to have this small conversations with the worker at the desk (they often are so kind and let me do the job and put the date and all myself... I love it! It makes me feel so official, like wow I can issue and official postal card... People! look at me! (I think after this post God will have a lesson in humility waiting for me at the door...))
There is a moment when you feel like you're the champion...Sticking the stamp on the letter! It feels like when Jesus said "It's done!" (maybe not that dramatic... okay), and of course you know how we do that...
-Pick the stamp from the desk
-Lick the stamp
-Stick the stamp
Now if you see someone trying it for too long and not working... Let me remind you: we evolve... there are now sticker stamp... anyway!
Stamps in use are really cheap and are pretty useless unless you want to actually send something by mail or you are a collection-er. (One time the officer did not have enough change to give me so he paid me with stamps... I was never able to use them in the supermarket! ah well!). Collection stamps... they become so expencisve with age, so valuable! Old, vintage, authentic, new, limited, sort of coolness all over...
So stamps were on my mind and of course my birthday (25 September in case you forgot!)! I am getting pretty old ladies and gentlemen! 26 in less than a month! and I was thinking ouf what a stamp I am! (but please don't lick me!!)
We people are really like stamps... Pretty much useless unless we are to be in someone's collection, on someone's card... unless someone decides that we are so valuable, so limited, so cool, so whatever nice thing you insert... And we, like stamps indeed, gain value with age and become coolness all over (at least I do!)! I was thinking... we are stamped by the Blood of the Lamb... if for no one else, for no other purpose than to be His and in His collection, we are worth it all!

ps. If you want you can give me your address, I would LOVE to mail you something... 
pps. Tanzania was not picked by chance...

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