Monday, October 27, 2014

A Rainbow... in my sky!

Have you ever seen a rainbow in the sky? A few months ago I saw one for the first time so so clearly! and it was something! I ran in the house like a crazy person (I think I actually am a crazy person...) YEY A RAINBOW... yey yay hooray youpiiii *throws confetti all around* ... 
You know how you can never see where it started and where it ends? And then there are all these wonderful colours against the beautiful sky with the sun and the gentle rain... It is something! Noah, the promise, the goodness of the Lord, all sorts of wonderful range of ideas come to ones mind when one sees or thinks of a rainbow... 
Today I remembered that day when I saw that rainbow... 
Today is one of those days when my mind is overwhelmed with beautiful ideas... 
Today is one of those days when I feel that there is a rainbow you can in no way discover where it starts in my mind and where it ends in my heart... 
Today is one of those days where I can see this amazing range of colours painted all over my life, scattered all over my sky...
Today is one of those days where my eyes cry this gentle rain, these gentle tears of joy...
Today is one of those days where I stand before the Morning Star, the Sun of righteousness and ask Him, with David, "what can I return to you for all your goodness to me..." and I say, "I will call upon Your name" as long as I live because my eyes have seen your salvation... because I have tasted and seen how good you are to me... because I have been blessed with a friend that I will never ever deserve, because this very day a wonderful person was born because this very day twenty six years ago someone appeared that will set the standard too high for any human being to match in loveliness, purity, sweetness, generosity... and all the good qualities you can ever think of...
Today I throw confetti around, today my heart skips a beat, today I feel I won the jackpot... because no one on earth has a friend like the one I have! I am blessed beyond measure... Today I am joyful.
And today I pray to the giver of all gifts to send a friend like mine to every wandering soul on this earth... 

Ps. Happy Birthday S!... I think I am happier than you today for the only reason I can have you as a best friend but you can't have you hihi!

Monday, October 13, 2014

A Type Oh!

There is a strange habit of disliking typos among the smart or the  gifted with a sharp attention. I am neither smart nor sharp and therefore typos do not particularly bother me (and do please forgive me when I fall into one...)
It is something to have an opinion about a thing and to experience a thing (the latter not always the best option).
The other day I got a message asking me about a phrase I used. The phrase was "kit together". I explained with much enthusiasm that it comes from one psalm that was on my mind that day (and went in that loophole of explaining the explained explanation... poor people who fall into my hands). I, too, diligently, specified the psalm... only with a difference of ten! 149 instead of 139... I got a reply that I am maybe a little bit shifted to the right... I tried explaining that in Arabic it is the opposite direction hence my confusion (not really...but I did think of using that argument)
I was thinking if I wrote one hundred thyrti nine (am I the only one who finds thyrti aesthetic? anyway) the mistake would have been more of a comic inclination than of a trivial one unlike the difference between 129 and 149 (139!). Somehow a letter typo is much easier to excuse and understand than a number typo. A gift for 10000 usd is not the same as a one for 1000 usd (though both are really much). A gift for ten thousand dollars and one for ten thousands dollars is basically the same and that is quite an expensive one! I'll be happy with much less! (humble me)...
A moment of indignation! Oh the injustice towards the numbers! But when that moment passed, I was left with some realities. 
Mistakes, though the same, are not of the same effect! 
It is something to sin knowing the Lord, and another sinning while not knowing Him. As if one is like a number typo and the other like a letter one...
I was thinking that it is maybe true that the letter typo shows quickly and get that little zigzag line under it that points all attention to it (Oh the shame!)  while a number typo goes unnoticed, undetected...  but one can be as quickly corrected as noticed and swiped away and the other can ramp and damage and still hide unless one comes with an intention of attention! I do not want to sit idle there watching other people's red lines and letting small things corrupt my heart! I want to remove that hidden zero here and that extra apostrophe there! I decided to check my life with that intention to check for every type...oh! and to be gentle whenever I see a red zigzag out there in world, I might be sitting there with a shift of ten to the left! 
I decided to go to my Editor...I thought that whatever my type was, no matter what the typo was...there is one same forgiving restoring Lord waiting to edit and correct with grace and mercy!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Day of Atonement

Yesterday evening I had one of these experiences that make one stop, wonder and stand in awe before the Maker of the Universe, before the Living God.
I discovered Thursday that there is something called Yom Kippur (Kippour) in the Jewish calendar and that this year it coincides with Aid Al Adha (first time since 33 years...). I thought oh cool! that is something! 
Of course, sadly, I had no idea what this Kippur feast is about...blame the course of history! And no one around me knew for that matter... And so I searched and I discovered!

Yom Kippur is apparently the holiest day of the year for the Jewish people (and that is saying something!! Them being the People of God and all...). I learned that it means the day of great mercy, the day of atonement...
This is day when Moses and Joshua heard a strange noise coming from the camp "It is not the sound of victory, it is not the sound of defeat; it is the sound of singing that I hear." said Moses It was the day the people of the Great I AM, built a calf and sang and danced for it! That day when the wrath of God could have consumed them. to. aches. but because of the plea of Moses, He did not! Then the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened. He had great, great mercy! The day of Great mercy.
I decided for that evening, (Friday evening that is), the eve of the day, to watch a Schindler's List. I cried a lot. It was not the first time I watch it or the first time I get moved by the atrocity of the Shoha (or any war and genocide for that matter) but that night something happened in my heart. I felt the weight of the world falling on me and a call to fall on my knees and ask for God mercy over me and over all the earth for every calf we erected, for every other god we worshiped, for all sins... I am not Moses, not near that at all but as I fell on my knees and closed my eyes, one Man I could see, one Man that saves, one Man that delivers. The One. The One that will deliver not like Moses did! The One that will take the sin of the world upon Him! The One that will atone, will do it once and for all. The Perfect sacrifice. It was a moment of crystal clarity where the truth shines so much that my eyes could not but flow rivers. Jesus Christ. His name is healing. His name is mercy. Wow! What a God we have! The Redeemer.. Not with blood of lamb but with the most precious Blood of The Lamb! It pierced my heart...
I woke up today with the word Mercy on my mind (yeah surprisingly!) and I even shared about this day discovery with a couple of people (I think they got bored of me mentioning "Oh did you know today is Yom Kippur?!"... sorry for that) but as the day passed I had one phrase coming back to my mind "The Lord is good to all"... The Lord is so good. People (by people I mean me!) He is so good. This is truth! Kippur day is not one day of the year for those who are in Christ. Kippur is right now. Kippur is right there a the feet of the cross. Come taste the goodness of the Lord. It is true. I know it seems too beautiful to believe but try it. He is good (with a stress on the is)...There is no limit to His bounty. No limit to His mercy. Because it is in Him who is Eternal. In Him, in Christ Jesus, the Alfa and Omega. Opener and Sealer. Beginning and End.